Mental Math: Tricks to become a Human Calculator

2 min readDec 15, 2017


Author : Abhishek VR

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Do you wish to do math faster?

You may be a student or a working professional. It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what age you are too. All that matters is your wish to change the way you do basic calculations.

I have prepared for multiple competitive exams but I always did math the difficult way. I did not know that there were shortcuts to addition too.

Once I started teaching, I taught all sorts of short cuts too but not for basics like addition. After reading this book, I realized that the way maths is taught in schools is a long way. And just by doing calculations from left to right instead of right to left is the secret behind improving the speed.

I was surprised and taken aback. I immediately started teaching my students shortcut for addition too. They were equally surprised and happy. It is not just my speed but also my students speed increased with this.

I have been talking only about addition but there are shortcuts for subtraction, multiplication and division too.

Why should you buy this book?

  • Each technique has been explained in detail
  • Layman can also become good at math
  • There are practise exercises for each technique along with answers

Why should you not buy this book?

  • Any skill needs practise. If you don’t want to practise what you learn, don’t buy it
  • If you want to read it as a novel and expect changes to happen with it

In case, you don’t want to read a book but want guidance to clear the doubts, you can check out the course by same author too.

Happy becoming the best at Math!


Originally published at on December 15, 2017.



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