2021 Jan Review and Feb Goals

4 min readFeb 1, 2021


The first month of January was a very busy start to the year. The month passed before I could even realise that. I am very excited to meet Feb, as it is a very happening month of the year.

Review of Jan

1.Soul Signature

A dose of soul signature daily helped me focus on one thing per day. At the same time, it made me feel that one for an emotion was of no use to bring about a remarkable change. Each chapter or a group of chapters together from the book should be done for a month to see some difference. As a follow up to this, I decided to read letting go book by Hugh Prather. Since I have other things planned for this month, I will take this up mostly next month.

2.Artist’s way

I created my vision board as a part of the exercises mentioned in the book. I was so surprised by the pictures and words I found which were so relevant to my life. One of the words I cut was “ Dear Future, I’m ready!”. That felt so empowering. I haven’t finished the book yet and will pick it up next month.


As against my target of 8 courses, I could do only 4. If I had chosen to do self-improvement courses, I could have easily achieved this target. But since I was doing courses on deep learning and neural networks it was too heavy to process and do more of them.


I realised that it was not a great thing to do it for 15 minutes but to do 15 minutes in within 20 minutes. Currently it takes me around 45 minutest to do 15 minutes of Kapalbhati. I want to reduce the break time rather than increase the length of kapalbhati.

5.Breathing from belly

After I started the detox drink, I could see how breathing from belly became easier as I was feeling lighter. Apart from that, I still have a huge scope of improvement to breathe from belly. I am more aware of whatsapp notifications now than before and reducing the number of times I check notifications will happen eventually with the awareness.

Plans for Feb

1.Two rounds of detox drinks followed by a smoothie

After all the failed experiments from last year for weight loss, a friend suggested that I follow the morning routine suggested by Anthony Williams for a toxin free body. This is an expensive exercise momentarily and time wise but I think I am already seeing the results. I lost a kg in 5 days of the detox drinks and I am looking forward to losing many more. The first round of detox drinks involves drinking lemon/ginger water and wait for 30 minutes. In the next round, drink celery/cucumber/aloe juice and then wait for another 30 minutes. Now make the heavy metal detox drink with amla or any other berry of your choice, bananas, coriander, barley juice powder and spirulina. This sounds super fancy and at the same time I am excited to try this as there are many people on his instagram handle who post about their success with this. As always, even if it doesn’t show any results, it is a move towards healthy lifestyle.

2.Self Compassion and morning pages

I haven’t been regular with my morning pages in the month of January. Every day after my first detox drink, I will spend time on my morning pages. I will use that space to overcome my limiting beliefs around self compassion and make it a practice to work on it as a habit.

3.Talk to a stranger each day

I have done this exercise back in 2017 and it helped me make a few good friends. Now is the time to do it all over again. I will go for a walk in my society and find at least one person to talk to. They might or might not become friends but just going out of my comfort zone and talking to them counts in my attempt towards making a few new friends. I worked on my limiting beliefs around talking to new people, so now I am good to go.

4.One video a day

In my attempt at learning to do public speaking well, I will get back to this exercise of recording a video a day. I want to get comfortable with the camera first. Along with this I will do public speaking specialisation on coursera. Everyday after dinner, I will spend time on this before I do anything else.

It feels like I am pushing myself too much out of my comfort zone this month but this is for different times of the day and I have done my homework behind each of these habits so it should be totally doable.

How was your January? What are your plans for Feb?

Happy February!

Originally published at http://lensq.com on February 1, 2021.



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