2019 Week 20 Goals

3 min readMay 13, 2019


The best part of last week was I made a few variety dosas on the go. I didn’t want to make chutney, so I put Ragi powder into the dosa to make ragi dosas. A kid might find a ragi dosa boring. To make it more interesting, I added bananas to make them like a sweet. On the other hand, for my uncles who are diabetic and can’t afford eating a sweet dosa, I added oregano seasoning to bring a different taste to dosa. The happiest part about all this exercise is the smiles I brought on faces.

Review of Week 19


I was not able to do that. I was exhausted at the end of the day and couldn’t find any interesting topic to write about. The reasons I failed were that I kept it for the end of the day and I didn’t have a clear agenda. I will correct the same this week.


I learnt a bit about over and under exposing. But I am yet to practise that to the fullest. But the best part of it this week was to click the best candid of all time.


I couldn’t make a 7 day streak. But I meditated 5 out of 7 days which is still good compared to my frequency in the past.

Plans for Week 20

1.Learn a bit about finance

Even though a lot of people say that Intelligent Investor book is not for Indian audience and it is outdated, there are a still few of them who consider it as timeless. It is a fat book. I will aim at reading just a page from the book every morning before I leave to work. Also, I will make note of at least one point from a page.

2.The Habit of winning

It’s been a long time that I spent on reading a book. I will spend 15 minutes on this book before retiring to sleep in the night.


Since I was not able to stick to my goal last week, this week I want to be more specific about it.

When will I write?

As soon as I return from gym, I spend time in cooling down physically with random browsing on my phone. I will make use of this time to be active mentally, even though I am exhausted physically.

What will I write?

I had suggestions for a few topics to add to my book. I will work on those.

How long will I write?

My aim is to bring back writing daily into my routine, I will spend just 10 minutes to start with.


I will learn to study the photographs created by experts to use similar techniques in mine.


5/7 is a good score. But 7/7 is an awesome score. I will aim for this streak this week.


I realised how inflexible my body became with my laziness to not exercise regularly in the past one year. Presently, I feel extremely exhausted after each workout and feel demotivated that I am not able to make any movements as per instructions. This is just a phase and this too shall pass. I will eventually learn to convert the instructions to respective postures and make myself kinesthetically intelligent.

That’s all for the week.

How was your week 19? What are your plans for week 20?

Happy week 20!

Originally published at http://lensq.com on May 13, 2019.



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