2018 Week 8 Challenge

3 min readFeb 18, 2018


It was good to get back to normal in Week 7. I wrote 10,000 words for my book which had been pending since the beginning of this year.

Review of Week 7

1.Book of the week: Why zebras don’t get ulcers

The first few pages of the book was interesting where the author explained how being exposed to constant stress can cause not only the entire spectrum of stress related diseases but also reduce immunity. But with repeated explanation of same thing for each disease was a bit boring.

Did it serve the purpose for which I picked it up? No. But whenever I feel stressed now, I tell myself that my life is more important than the problem I am stressing over.

2.Course of the week: Personal Branding

The course is not my type of course at all. There is hardly any useful content. I can just pick the headings and do my own reading from various other sources to learn more about this topic. I will park this topic aside for some other month.

3.Habit of the Week: Sick day tracker

I was sick the entire week so there was nothing to actually track.


The easiest way to compliment is to tell a girl that she looks beautiful or her dress is great. I got away with this in this week. I need to find learn to compliment at a deeper level.


I haven’t opened my laptop in the evenings at all this week. Thus I ended up spending no time on my blog work.

6.Language Learning

My office friend decided to stop talking to me as she was not able to follow my Tamil. But I am happy that I made some effort towards speaking.


I did Zentangles on 3 days of this week. It felt good to lose myself in it.

8.Comedy TV series:

I haven’t found any TV series but a youtube series in my mother tongue cracks me up. I watched those to include some laughter in my day.

Challenges for Week 8

1.Book of the week: The hidden tools of comedy

My writing style has reached a plateau. I want to make it a little interesting. A bit of humour doesn’t hurt. Hence this book.

2.Course of the week: Think again 1 — How to win arguments

As a continuation of learning how to argue, I want to see if there is something new I can learn from this course.

3.Habit of the Week: Affirmations

I want to attract positive energy into my life by repeating positive affirmations. I will prepare a list and practise them by repeating the words while visualizing them.


Even though I don’t have a beautiful voice, according to Brene Brown singing is one way of living a wholehearted life. I will sing to the tune of my favourite songs to destress in the evenings.

5.Psychology course

I have exams in 3 months. It is high time I focus on it. I will spend my evenings in studying for my psychology exams.

That is all for the next week.

How was your week 7? What are your plans for week 8? Let us know in the comments section.

Happy Week 8!


Originally published at lensq.com on February 18, 2018.



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