2018 Week 7 Challenge

4 min readFeb 11, 2018


Week 6 was a disaster. My stress levels went to an entire new level. I could hardly cope with my weekly challenges. I could not fall asleep on most of the days. This week I am going to focus mainly on understanding my stress patterns and deal with reducing it.

Review of Week 6

1.Book of the week:

I hardly read any books this week. I was preoccupied with other personal problems which ate me up totally. Reading a book could have helped me deal with the stress but I realised that I was under stress when I looked back today.

2.Course of the week: Personal Branding

I prefer doing courses while commuting. The volume of the audio of the course is too low due to which I could not complete the entire syllabus I planned for this week.

3.Habit of the Week: Sleep tracker

I logged into my sleep tracker on 4 days this week. I wake up then and write down the thoughts which repeat in loop the entire night. After that, I plug a course from coursera where the voice of the author has a calming effect. There might be other audios too which can soothe the mind, but I am yet to find them. The reason why I choose courses is it makes me feel that I am not wasting my time by trying to fall asleep.

4.Exercise Routine:

I exercised on 3 days of this week. Exercise helped a little to cope with the stress.


On the first day, I offered my food to a hungry person. On the second day, I helped a friend in composing a mail. The third day, I lended my phone charger. I gifted a chocolate on the fourth day. I gave unsolicited advice on the next day. On the sixth day, I helped my friend experiment her photography skills on me. Today, I did an astrological reading to my friend.

Though these are really small ones, I think it is good to at least start off with something than doing nothing.


I did editing work just on two days of the week. Rest of the week, I forgot that I was a writer who needed to edit her work.

7.Language Learning

I haven’t touched this challenge at all this week.


Even though I am planning my clothes for the week, I am yet to organise my wardrobe.

9.Quilling paper earrings

I did this on just 2 days.

Overall, since the beginning of this year, this was the first week where I struggled to stay with my routine. I hope to deal with my stress this week and get back to normal life quickly. If not for the weekly challenges, I would have spent an entire month feeling stressful instead of recognizing it.

The one good thing about this week was I went to a friend’s place and spent quality time with her. I can call this as another milestone in socializing.

Challenges for Week 7

1.Book of the week: Why zebras don’t get ulcers

When I searched for the books to help me deal with stress, I found that this one has a few scientific methods to deal with it. So let me try this to understand my problem and solve it.

2.Course of the week: Personal Branding

I will find some time in the evening after I am back home to finish this course.

3.Habit of the Week: Sick day tracker

I have suddenly become quite allergic due to which I am falling sick very frequently. I want to keep a track of this which might help me figure the triggers for my allergy.


I will find something genuinely interesting about others and compliment them. This helps in not only making good friends but will help me in connecting with others.


I will just spend 10 minutes on this and edit one article a day.

6.Language Learning

I will select a song for this week and learn a few words from it. I will speak at least one sentence with my Tamil friends to develop the fluency of speaking in tamil.

7. Zentangles

I have been doodling all the day today. It helped me deal with stress. This week I will go back to zentangles to destress myself.

8.Comedy TV series:

I need some fun in life to deal with stress. I have to laugh at least for some time a day. Even though I find it a waste of time, I need some entertainment in life to escape from reality for a while. This will act like a painkiller while I treat the root cause.

That is all for the next week.

How was your week 6? What are your plans for week 7? Let us know in the comments section.

Happy Week 7!


Originally published at lensq.com on February 11, 2018.



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