2018 Week 6 Challenge

4 min readFeb 3, 2018


Week 5 was the fastest week so far. Even though I tried to take a break from writing, time flew fast. Tomorrow is a break day. So I am posting it today itself.

Review of Week 5

1.Book of the week: Everybody writes

After reading a third of the book, I realised that it was not a book to be finished off in a week. Every chapter I read had action points on how I can become a better writer. I can learn only one thing at a time to make the learning last for a longer time.

2.Course of the week: Influence People

This course changed the way I look at relations. My friend once told me about how to maintain relations in life. I understood his concept better after doing this course. May be a lot of people out there are smart enough to figure these out naturally, but for me it is a life changing course.

3.Habit of the Week: Free Writing

If you ever want a quick way to deal with stress, go for this exercise. Open a blank sheet or grab a sheet of paper and start writing. All the things which are worrying you start flowing as words. Once the words take birth, your stress loses its life.

The simple reason behind this is you worry about things because you distort your thoughts. Once you write them down, you understand the distortions. Once that is clear, your mind clears up.

4.Exercise Routine:

I had a terrible leg pain due to exercising for too long. Sometimes this makes me wonder if I should take an expert advice on creating a perfect exercise routine.


Two of my newly made friends told me their secrets which they were not comfortable sharing with larger audience. This is the third milestone in socializing.

1.Book of the week:

I asked my friends to lend me a book. Two of them were gracious enough to do it. I will read them since I am obliged to return them. Apart from that, I had a realization today that I have to start studying for my psychology exams. I need to prioritize that over the other books which I read. So this week, even though I am on a break from reading, I am still reading other books.

2.Course of the week: Personal Branding

I heard this term over and again but I did not really know what it means. While doing the influence people course, the speaker mentioned that it matters a lot how people talk about you and you play a major role in what people talk about you. So I will do first two weeks of this course to understand what all this is about.

3.Habit of the Week: Sleep tracker

I had a lot of trouble sleeping last month. I want to go back to my original way of having a sound sleep. I will write down the thoughts which are not letting me sleep and what remedies work on me and what don’t.

4.Exercise Routine:

I will be doing planks and push-ups apart from the regular plan.


Socializing has become a habit for me now. I will just keep updating if I come across new milestones.

The next step to this is to learn to give or offer help to people around me. Not with an intention to get back help but to become a more helpful and kind person.

When I initially started socializing, I had no clue on how to proceed. But today, I feel more confident than what I was before to talk with people.

Similarly, I might stumble on the first few days in not knowing how to help people but I will eventually figure out a way.


I have learnt a few tips on how to write better from ‘Everybody writes’ book. Now it is my turn to learn editing. This week I am going to spend time on mastering a few of the tips mentioned in the book.

7.Language Learning

Radio is too fast for me. I will go back to learning from songs. I will select a song for this week and learn a few words from it. I will speak at least one sentence with my Tamil friends to develop the fluency of speaking in tamil.


My wardrobe is a mess. I will bring a structure to it and maintain it.

9. Quiling paper earrings

It has been a long while that I did a piece of art. The quilling paper raw material that I got is lying idle in my shelf for more than four months now. I also need matching earrings for the new clothes I bought. So it is a perfect time now for me to start doing them.

That is all for the next week.

How was your week 5? What are your plans for week 6? Let us know in the comments section.

Happy Week 6!


Originally published at lensq.com on February 3, 2018.



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