Week 4 was a week of studying. I read my advanced psychology books and made notes. It was so insightful.
Review of Week 4
1.Book of the week: Thank you for arguing
It really taught me how to argue. It is a book with step by step instructions and examples of conversations on how to speak. Since I was making notes, I was not able to finish it yet.
2.Course of the week: Influencing people
I made good use of my commute time in doing this course. It explains the power of influence with social experiments.
3.Habit of the Week: Thought Tracker
Thought tracker is not as simple as emotions tracker. I found it difficult to capture them all in a proper format. I should keep experimenting the way I need to make a note of it.
4.Exercise Routine:
I have a little satisfaction on this for this week.
The people who I made friends with are now coming to my desk to talk with me. This is the second milestone in socializing.
Challenges for Week 5
1.Book of the week: Everybody writes
I read a part of this book before but I could not make notes. As I want to improve my writing style, I will read this book and make a checklist.
2.Course of the week: Influencing people
I will finish off the final week and make an action list on how to implement what I learnt.
3.Habit of the Week: Free writing
Everyday, I will set 15 minutes aside and write whatever comes to my mind. It can be about anything which makes sense or does not make sense.
4.Exercise Routine:
I will continue the same.
Socializing has been an exciting challenge. I am not sure what should the next milestone be. I will just keep talking which alone is in my control.
It is very stressful to write daily. I want to take a break this week and write only when it is feasible.
7.Language Learning
I will listen to radio for around ten minutes and write down at least one sentence.
It is a pain to search for clothes every morning. I will plan the clothes for the week on Sunday so that I don’t feel frustrated in the mornings.
That is all for the next week.
How was your week 4? What are your plans for week 5? Let us know in the comments section.
Happy Week 5!
Originally published at lensq.com on January 28, 2018.