2018 Week 16 Challenge

2 min readApr 15, 2018


The best part of week 15 was finding a writer friend. I didn’t know that I can write beautiful poems until she said that my poems made her day. Another friend introduced me to a quizzing app where I won the first game. Even though they are small things, they made my week.

Review of Week 15

1.Book of the week: Make it stick

The experiments mentioned in the book were interesting. Even though the concepts are already known it is just the examples which make you go aww.

2.Course of the week:

I tried a few courses on edx but they were not really related to my subject.

3.Habit of the Week: Laugh

Instead of needing to find a source for laughter, I forced into my daily conversations. Now my friends look at me as if I ran away from asylum for the laughter.

4.Write book

I wrote 13174 words in 6 days. I am more than happy for the efforts I put in. It gave me a new confidence in life.

Challenges for Week 16

1.Book of the week:

I need to do some research for writing additional details for the skeleton of my book. So this week I will stay away from sticking to one single book.

2.Course of the week:

I will watch courses only if time permits.

3.Habit of the Week: Picture a day

Last week, I fell in love in photography again. I found a mentor and started learning the basics. To keep up the work, I will click one pic a day this week.

4.Write book

Even though I felt hopeless the before week, the progress I made in week 15 gave me a new hope. It feels finishing the book is doable. I want to finish off writing the remaining part of the book this week. So that I will have one week left for editing, formatting and book title and cover preparation.

That is all for the next week.

How was your week 15? What are your plans for week 16? Let us know in the comments section.

Happy Week 16!


Originally published at lensq.com on April 15, 2018.



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